had been away from the blog for a very long time. but now i will try my best to be punctual with new recipies n some useful tips.
today i hav some tips for dandruff. These are for Surbhi n all others suffering from it.
.Mix a spoonful of lemon juice with two spoons of vinegar n massage ur scalp with it.Wash ur hair after half an hour.
Curd helps to control dandruff n is a very good conditioner.
Apply the mixture of olive oil n almond oil to ur scalp n shampoo after half an hour.
Apply aloe Vera gel to ur scalp n leave for ten minutes.wash hair with some mild shampoo.
Soak methi dana seeds overnight. Blend n apply the paste for fifteen minutes.shampoo afterwards.
- You can also apply any oil which u use by warming it n then wrap hot damp towel over ur head.Shampoo afterwards.