Sunday, October 12, 2014

Surprising Cleaning New Uses



Hair Spray as Lipstick Stain Remover

Ironed dress shirt with lipstick on collar and hairsprayKiss that smudge of Really Red good-bye. If the fabric is machine washable, saturate the spot with hair spray, let it sit for 10 minutes, then dab with a damp cloth or sponge to remove. Launder as usual to wash out any residual stain and spray.



Baking Soda as Silver Polish

Baking soda and silver bowls
To polish silver: Wash items, then place on aluminum foil in the bottom of a pot. Add a baking-soda solution (¼ cup soda, a few teaspoons salt, 1 quart boiling water) and cover for a few seconds. The result? A chemical reaction that gets the black off the gravy boat.


Newspaper as Odor Absorber



Newspaper as Odor Absorber

Absorb odors in the refrigerator’s vegetable drawer with a lining of newspaper.

Salt as Iron Cleaner

Salt as Iron CleanerEliminate sticky residue from an iron. Run the hot iron (no steam) over plain paper sprinkled with salt.



Baking Soda as Stain Remover

Clean discolored teacups and teapots by making a paste of baking soda and water. Gently rub over the stain to remove.                                                                                                                         
 Baking soda used as stain remover

Hair Dryer as Sticker Remover

Hair dryer used to remove price stickersA little hot air quickly loosens price labels—with zero fingernail-chipping frustration.